
If you’re hoping to improve the sanitation of your school restrooms, 一定要记住这六条建议. Not only will these tips contribute to the immediate cleanliness of your school bathrooms, but they will also inform the student body and school professionals of their role in maintaining an orderly, 无菌建筑.


1. 让学生参与到清洁工作中来

Although it isn’t the responsibility of students to clean school bathrooms, most schools have a student council or other form of student involvement committee that can bring awareness to restroom cleanliness concerns. 当学生们参与到清洁工作中, they will likely feel a larger sense of responsibility to keep that space clean. 从 throwing away trash to flushing toilets and turning off sinks to stopping vandalism, there are many ways for students to foster a sanitary restroom space.

2. 绕道破坏

故意堵塞水槽, 厕所墙上的字迹, throwing toilet paper — these are all forms of restroom vandalism. 而学生可能会发现这些行为是无聊的恶作剧, 他们确实对学校厕所的卫生和安全构成了威胁. 通过阻止破坏浴室的行为, you will be doing your part to ensure a clean and accessible school restroom, 方法如下:

  • Remind students to turn off faucets (or install BETVLCTOR伟德登录, which we will discuss in detail)
  • Opt for plastic partitions which are resistant to rust and permanent graffiti
  • 安装坚固、重型的电器和固定装置

3. 洗手101:鼓励和教育学生

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), keeping hands clean is ultra-important for school cleanliness. In fact, handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from正确的洗手方法细菌的传播. For a clean school, restroom and 无菌建筑, adopt these top handwashing tips and practices:

  1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.   用肥皂搓搓双手,使其起泡. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
  2. 洗手至少20秒. 需要计时器吗?? 从头到尾哼两遍“生日快乐歌”.
  3. 用干净的流动水冲洗双手.
  4. 用干净的毛巾擦干双手,或者用风干.

By following these steps to properly wash your hands, your student body will:

  • 努力减少细菌的传播
  • 创建一个更安全、更健康的学校和学生群体
  • In addition to washing your hands effectively, it’s important to wash your hands a上完厕所后,a在擤鼻涕、咳嗽或打喷嚏后接触垃圾后,进食前 

4. 保持定期清洁计划

Keeping a routine list of bathroom cleaning duties is imperative to the cleanliness of a school restroom. When crafting this list, determine what essential duties that need to be completed every day. 然后,
write a list of periodic cleaning tasks that can be done over the course of a week or month. 最后, always leave room in the schedule for unexpected maintenance tasks that could pop up unexpectedly throughout the week.

Maintaining school restrooms with a cleaning schedule will enhance the safety of the space. 泄漏, 厕所堵塞, and overflowing garbage which could create slippery surfaces and impact the walkability are nearly nonexistent when a cleaning schedule is maintained. Additionally, when bathrooms are frequently cleaned, germs are kept at bay. This allows students to attend school in a healthy and hygienic environment.

5. Ensure the school bathroom is stocked and all dispensers are full

Be sure to keep your school bathroom stocked with these items: 卫生纸,p纸巾、肥皂、女性卫生用品等等. Having these items readily available will encourage proper usage of the school restroom facilities. +, student angst (and therefore vandalism) may decrease as individuals know that their restroom needs are being taken care of.

6. 安装非接触式水龙头

BETVLCTOR伟德登录 洗手间清洁的关键是什么. 在芝加哥水龙头, our goal is to provide better hygiene and top-of-the-line products for your 教育 facility. 水龙头在每个学校都扮演着重要的角色, and hands-free electronic faucets provide the highest level of sanitation. 当感应到运动时,这些水龙头会自动打开, so there are fewer contact points for germs to spread and infections to transmit throughout the school. 总之, 芝加哥水龙头为您提供耐用的支持, 可靠的, 为你的学校厕所提供价格实惠的非接触式选择.

On-demand Webinar: Get Your School Ready for the Upcoming Year

Are you ready to have clean restrooms available in your school? 


芝加哥水龙头 has the tools available to support you as you build 更安全、更健康的学校浴室.

BETVLCTOR伟德登录 要实惠的产品解决方案,我们在这里提供帮助. 芝加哥水龙头 understands the unique needs of every room in your school. 感谢我们的奉献和创新, we have been the preferred choice of schools for over 100 years. Our products are built to last (even in high-use areas like schools), 我们的水龙头可靠,易于维护, 我们的客户服务是无与伦比的.


今天就创造一个干净的洗手间, download our brochure filled with education solutions and product options, 点击这里. Eager to discuss your options for creating a clean school restroom today? 接触!